The Odisha government on Friday referred to the depression-induced unseasonal and continuous rain as a "state calamity" and promised assistance to all impacted farmers due to the damage done to standing crops and the significant crop loss.
As CM Mohan Majhi attended the 'Krushi Odisha' event in the state capital, he announced the "state calamity" in reaction to the heavy and protracted rainfall that has severely damaged the state's agricultural areas.
Millions of farmers in Odisha suffered terrible crop losses during the December stretch, with the unrelenting rains severely impairing their means of subsistence. The Chief Minister conveyed profound sorrow for the farmers who perished and pledged assistance to all impacted farmers through the Revenue and Disaster Management Relief Fund.
The use of government relief programs designed to help impacted farmers is made possible by the designation of this rainfall as a "state calamity."
According to reports, the government has promised to giving individuals affected by this natural disaster the support they need and has estimated the financial damages at Rs 291 crore. In order to ensure that assistance reaches those impacted as soon as possible, efforts are being made to accelerate the relief measures. To evaluate the damage and make it easier to distribute relief, state representatives are working with local authorities.
It is noteworthy that 2,91,000 hectares of cropland have been damaged and that roughly 6,66,700 farmers have been impacted by the ongoing rains. Following the downpour, at least seven farmers were said to have committed suicide as a result of crop loss. Following the devastating effects of the torrential rains, which resulted in a significant loss of crops, the farmers either committed suicide or died of "shock."
It is important to remember that the Odisha government has done everything it can to guarantee farmers receive fair compensation and assistance during this difficult period. When CM Mohan Majhi and other ministers visited the impacted farmers, they gave everyone the assurance that the government will support them.