Salman Khan is credited with popularizing the male lead's shirtless persona in Bollywood. Bollywood performers like Sanjay Dutt had already dropped their shirts before him, but Bhaijan's song "Oh Oh Jane Jana" became a hit, which increased the act's popularity. Following that, the audience's memories of John Abraham's entrance in Dostana or Shah Rukh Khan's Dard-E-Disco are still vivid.
In a similar vein, Southern actors have occasionally lowered their shirts in films that left the female audience salivating over their attractive bodies.
Allu Arjun's next film, Pushpa 2, is being highly anticipated and is scheduled for release on December 5. There are high expectations for the sequel because the first film in the franchise made Bunny a huge pan-India star. Few people are aware that, despite the Southern superstar's continued rise in popularity nationwide, he was the first actor from South India to get six-pack abs for the film Desamuduru.
He has also removed his shirt in other films over the years, but he has consistently stated that he will only do so when the situation calls for it and not merely to add glitz to the screen.