According to an official on Wednesday, police arrested her boyfriend on suspicion of aiding and abetting after a 25-year-old female Air India pilot hanged herself with a data cable at her rented apartment in Mumbai.
Early on Monday morning, Srishti Tuli, who resided in the Marol neighborhood at the Kanakia Rain Forest building, committed suicide.
According to the official citing the FIR, Tuli's boyfriend, Aditya Pandit, 27, was arrested by police on Tuesday after one of her relatives accused him of harassing and abusing her and making her stop eating non-vegetarian food.
Tuli was from Uttar Pradesh and had been in Mumbai for work since June of last year, according to the Powai police station official.
After Pandit began driving to Delhi, the suicide was discovered. Tuli called Pandit during the drive and threatened to commit suicide. According to the official, Pandit discovered her apartment's door locked from within when she hurried to Mumbai.
After using a key maker to open the door, he discovered Tuli hanging with a data cable. After being brought to SevenHills Hospital, medical professionals pronounced her deceased. According to the official, no suicide note was discovered in the home.
Later, Tuli's uncle went to the police and claimed that Pandit would frequently harass her and even publicly humiliate her. According to the official, the relative also claimed that he had pressured her to alter her eating habits.