IndiaAI Mission: Get familiar with the 7 crucial pillars.

In response to privacy concerns, artificial intelligence (AI) is starting to seep into several businesses. To address this, the Cabinet, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has approved the Rs 10,371.92 crore IndiaAI Mission, a comprehensive national initiative.

The mission will ensure responsible and inclusive growth of India’s AI ecosystem by democratising computing access, improving data quality, developing indigenous AI capabilities, attracting top AI talent, facilitating industry collaboration, providing startup risk capital, guaranteeing socially impactful AI projects, and supporting ethical AI.

The IT Ministry stated that the “IndiaAI” Independent Business Division (IBD) of Digital India Corporation (DIC) will carry out the objective.

Let’s examine what the mission’s seven major projects have to offer.

The safe and trustworthy AI pillar acknowledges the need for sufficient safeguards and will make it possible to execute “Responsible AI” projects, such as the creation of local frameworks and tools, inventors’ self-assessment checklists, and other rules and governance structures.

The goal of the “FutureSkills” initiative is to lower entrance barriers to AI programs and expand the number of AI courses offered in PhD, master’s, and undergraduate programs.

The ministry announced that it will establish data and AI laboratories to provide foundational-level courses in tier 2 and tier 3 cities nationwide.

To meet the growing needs of India’s quickly developing AI businesses and research community, the IndiaAI compute pillar will create a top-tier, scalable AI computing infrastructure.

The ecosystem will include a public-private partnership-built AI compute infrastructure with at least 10,000 Graphics Processing Units (GPUs).

“AI innovators will be able to access pre-trained models and AI as a service through an AI marketplace.” The Ministry of Electronics and IT claims that it will serve as a one-stop shop for resources essential for AI innovation.

The IndiaAI Innovation Centre is the next element, and its tasks include creating and implementing native Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) and domain-specific foundational models in important industries.

The IndiaAI Datasets Platform, which will simplify access to high-quality non-personal datasets for AI innovation, is another crucial component of the objective. To give Indian startups and researchers a one-stop shop for easy access to non-personal datasets, a unified data platform would be created.

The IndiaAI Application Development Initiative would support the use of AI in key industries for issue statements derived from State Departments, Central Ministries, and other organizations.

According to the ministry, the initiative’s main goals will be to create, scale, and encourage the use of effective AI solutions that have the potential to significantly alter society and the economy.

Not to mention, the government added that the “IndiaAI Startup Financing” pillar is designed to help and accelerate deep-tech AI firms and give them easy access to capital to allow futuristic AI projects.

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