On Holi, Odisha is bathed in hues of love, joy, and vibrant colours.

On Tuesday, Odisha looked colourful as the state’s residents enthusiastically and fervently celebrated the festival of colours. Holi, the festival of good over evil and unity in diversity, unites people from all walks of life and brings them together in love and brotherhood.

Regardless of caste, creed, age, or religion, people all over the state drenched themselves in the colours of spring as they painted their friends and family with vibrant hues. But a Holi celebration would not be complete without indulging in an incredible spread of delicious foods.

Fruits, sweets, and crispy namkeens enhanced the festive meal’s rich culinary delight. The delectable food gives the happy celebrations a special sweetness and vibrancy. In the run-up to the pivotal 2024 elections, political parties united to celebrate Holi and then launched their respective poll campaigns.

“The Festival of Colours is a unique occasion every year. We try to steer clear of politics during Holi, even though there is an election-like atmosphere. People come together to celebrate Holi, putting aside differences in political beliefs, according to a resident of Cuttack.

Locals in Bhubaneswar expressed, “There’s a strong sense of brotherhood, love, and affection in the air.” I hope that there is colour, love, and sweetness in our state, our nation, and the lives of all of our citizens.

Along with celebrating Holi with their party members, politicians exchanged well wishes for the next election. Baijayant Panda, the national vice president of the BJP, sent greetings on this auspicious Holi occasion.

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