Groundbreaking Book on Indian Consumer Protection Law Released, Set to Revolutionize Legal Understanding and Application.

Consumer protection law is a critical aspect of the legal framework aimed at safeguarding the interests of consumers in the marketplace. In India, this legal domain has undergone significant evolution, particularly with the enactment of the Consumer Protection Act of 2019, which replaced the earlier 1986 Act. The new legislation broadens the definition of consumer rights and introduces mechanisms for grievance redressal, ensuring fair trade practices, transparency, and accountability from businesses.

A landmark contribution to this field is the newly launched book, “Consumer Protection: Law and Policy in India,” authored by Dr. Md. Kamalun Nabi and Dr. Md. Irshadun Nabi. This comprehensive text delves into the intricacies of consumer protection laws and policies within the Indian context, providing valuable insights for academics, legal practitioners, and policymakers. The book, published by Kunal Books, New Delhi, and endorsed by esteemed legal scholars, including a foreword by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Satrughana Pujahari, underscores its scholarly significance.

The launch event, graced by notable dignitaries at Jamia Millia Islamia, highlighted the book’s relevance in contemporary legal scholarship. As consumer markets grow increasingly complex, this book promises to enhance the understanding and application of consumer protection laws, thereby empowering consumers and fostering a fairer marketplace in India.

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