Mahalaya: Devotees visit Samaleswari Temple to see Dhabalamukhi Besha and offer “pinda” to their ancestors.

With people swarming the bank of Bindusagar tank near Lingaraj temple and the northern gate of Srimandir to present “tila tarpan” and “pinda daan” to their ancestors, the Old Town in the pilgrim cities of Puri and Bhubaneswar has come alive on the occasion of Mahalaya today.

The Pitru Paksha, also known as Shradh, comes to a conclusion on the auspicious day of Mahalaya. People who were unable to provide “pinda” to their ancestors over the 16 days of the Pitru Paksha are still doing so today.

As per custom, three generations of maternal uncles receive “pinda daan” on Mahalaya. If ‘pinda daan’ is served to our ancestors, it is said that they would achieve moksha.

The significance of the holiday rests in the fact that we continue to honour our ancestors even after they have passed away.

At the same time, Mahalaya signifies the start of Devi Paksha, the festival of Durga Puja.

A priest noted that during Mahalaya, people present “pinda” to their ancestors as well as their maternal grandfather’s and other departed relatives.

A follower stated, “The Hindu faith has many ceremonies, and all of the rites are somewhat related to science. ‘Pinda’ is what we are bringing to the family of my uncle’s deceased relatives for the first time. I feel so much better mentally as a result.

Hundreds of worshippers are swarming the Samaleswari temple in Sambalpur on this Mahalayan occasion to see the goddess Samaleswari’s Dhabalamukhi Besha.

The goddess typically wears red outfits throughout the year, but on Mahalaya Day she dons a white costume. The deity is given a brand-new coat of traditionally produced white paint. For 2.5 days, the deity is present in Dhabalamukhi Besha. Priests also dress in white during this time as they adore the deity.

‘Ganga Darshan’ is another name for the darshan of Dhabalamukhi Besha. According to popular belief, receiving the goddess’ Dhabalamukhi Besha’s darshan has similar advantages as receiving a holy bath in the Ganga.

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