Apartment theft in Bhubaneswar: Two interstate gang members are taken into custody

Concerning both residents and police, the Commissionerate Police made a significant breakthrough on Thursday in a string of theft cases that occurred in apartments in Bhubaneswar over the previous few months. A special Commissionerate Police squad apprehended two members of an interstate gang.

Reports state that a few days ago, there was a theft reported from the Nirupama flat in the Nayapalli area. It is reported that items and cash totaling Rs 13 lakh were taken.

Along with seizing Rs 2 lakh in cash from the burglars, police conducted raids at several locations in Bhubaneswar and arrested two of the perpetrators.

Twelve theft complaints had previously been reported to the police in five different apartments located within the police limits of Chandaka, Infocity, Bharatpur, and Mancheswar. It was discovered by the police that the majority of the defendants in the flat loot cases are from other states. CCTV footage provided the police with information about the accused.

Police are working very hard to find the other gang members even though they have already busted two of them.

Prateek Singh, the Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), stated: “We discovered that a large gang was active in the city by looking into their past. The majority of the gang’s twenty-plus members are from Gujarat and Haryana. Their strategy is to arrive in their cars or four-wheelers, enter apartments at random, and flee with the loot.
The DCP further stated that they return to their own locations after completing the thefts successfully.

“Members of the gang are involved in loot cases in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Jharkhand. To obtain information about the gangs, we are in communication with our counterparts in these states. We apprehended two of them after researching their activities in other states. They had a car, two lakh rupees worth of cash, and a few cell phones found on them, he said.

Investigators are also looking into the arrested people’s possible involvement in other theft cases.

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