Hezbollah targets Israeli settlements with rockets

In retaliation for Israeli airstrikes in southern Lebanon the previous day, the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah claimed to have fired Katyusha rockets on Israeli settlements and military installations on Monday.

In response to the Israeli attacks on Sunday that resulted in the deaths of four civilians and the destruction of numerous civilian homes, the group said in a statement that “the fighters of the Islamic Resistance targeted, through six operations, the colonies of Kiryat Shmona, Avivim, Shtula, Kfar Yuval, Kfar Giladi and Zaoura positions in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.”

Approximately sixty surface-to-surface projectiles were fired towards northern Israel early on Monday morning, according to Lebanese military sources who spoke to Xinhua. Some of the projectiles were intercepted by Israeli Iron Dome missiles, while others detonated in the airspace over the Kafr Kila region and the Khiam village in southeast Lebanon.

The sources, who asked to remain anonymous, said that on Monday morning, Israeli warplanes launched an airstrike on the town of Al-Safari, which is located in eastern Lebanon, next to the city of Baalbek, approximately 100 kilometres from the border between Lebanon and Israel. Three people were injured in the raid and were later taken to a hospital in Baalbek. The raid also destroyed a house and a factory that packaged tissue paper.

After Hezbollah launched a flurry of rockets towards Israel on October 8, 2023, in support of Hamas, tensions along the Israeli-Lebanese border have grown. After that, Israel fired heavy artillery in the direction of southeast Lebanon in retaliation.

Lebanese security sources report that 449 people have died on the Lebanese side of the confrontations between Israel and Hezbollah since then, including 283 Hezbollah members and 84 civilians.

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