AIIMS-Bhubaneswar performs a rare procedure to remove a 7-kg tumour from a patient’s scalp.

By successfully performing a crucial surgery on a patient from West Bengal’s scalp to remove a 7-kg tumour, AIIMS-Bhubaneswar achieved yet another significant achievement.

A group of medical professionals at AIIMS-Bhubaneswar have reportedly been successful in removing the synovial sarcoma tumour, which is an uncommon and aggressive malignant tumour that develops in soft tissues.

A small tumour that had been on Rabindra Bisui’s head for 25 years had grown rapidly seven months ago, making it difficult for the 51-year-old to move and perform his daily tasks.

Despite seeing physicians at several hospitals in Kolkata and the SCB Medical College and Hospital in Cuttack, Rabindra was unsatisfied because the tumour had blood vessels all over it, increasing the risk of surgery.

A unique group of specialists from the departments of anesthesiology, neurosurgery, interventional radiology, and surgical oncology was assembled.

Initially, embolyse was used to constrict the blood vessels coming from the tumour. The patient was brought to the operating room after being under observation for seventy-two hours. Following an arduous 10-hour surgical procedure, the tumour was effectively excised. He healed in two weeks and can now move around without restriction.

In an interview with the media, Rabindra, the patient, stated, “I feel comfortable and well now.” My life was saved by the doctors. They resemble God.

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