Interview with Ranjeet Kumar Sahoo.

Expert in crafting cutting-edge mobile applications, Tech Luminary is shaping tomorrow’s innovations.

Q-1: Can you please introduce yourself and tell us about your educational background and professional experience?

Ans. I am Ranjeet Kumar Sahoo, holding a B.Tech in Information Technology, providing a solid foundation in technology and innovation. Starting my career as a Mobile App Developer, I dedicated two years to refining skills in crafting seamless mobile applications. This experience allowed me to delve deep into the dynamic realm of app development, staying ahead of industry trends. Fueled by a passion for innovation, I ventured into entrepreneurship, founding a software company with a primary focus on building robust and cutting-edge mobile applications for diverse industries. Our mission is to deliver tailored, high-quality solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients.

Q-2: Can you tell briefly your Bussiness Journey ?

Ans. While pursuing my engineering degree, the notion of venturing into business crossed my mind. As a middle-class individual, the apprehension of financial risks and a potentially debt-ridden career loomed large. To mitigate these concerns, I initially immersed myself in the Bhubaneswar market, observing the challenges faced by individuals and companies alike. Recognizing the growing mobile development market and the scarcity of available developers, I saw an opportunity and started a company named Syflex Techno Solution Pvt Ltd – Small businesses struggled to navigate these challenges, resorting to freelancers who operated on nocturnal schedules. Sensing the need for a solution, I approached a company, proposing a partnership to provide them with freelancers as needed. This initiative not only contributed to the growth of the business but also garnered numerous clients in the initial phase, maintaining a healthy account balance. However, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic brought unforeseen challenges as the company, grappling with financial constraints, halted payments, citing obligations to full-time employees. In response, I made a strategic shift to work directly with customers, ensuring a more stable and reliable business model.

Q-3: What motivated you to start your own business?

Ans. In the pursuit of entrepreneurship, the trinity of fame, money, and the perpetual constraint of time becomes a defining narrative. The allure of fame, the recognition that one’s ventures bring, serves as both motivation and a potential pitfall. Striking a balance between chasing public acknowledgment and staying true to the core mission of the business is a perpetual challenge. Simultaneously, the quest for financial success, the engine that propels any entrepreneurial journey, necessitates strategic decisions, financial acumen, and resilience in the face of uncertainties. However, the most relentless adversary in this journey is time. The ticking clock poses constant pressure, urging entrepreneurs to make swift decisions, execute plans effectively, and adapt to ever-evolving market dynamics. Navigating the delicate dance between these three elements is a perpetual juggling act that defines the entrepreneurial experience.

Q-4: What were some of the major challenges you faced in your journey to the top?

Ans. Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey, I swiftly grasped that encountering challenges is an integral aspect of business expansion. At times, aligning your vision for company growth with that of your partner becomes a delicate balancing act. There are instances when investing in employees’ technical knowledge becomes imperative, adding to the intricacies of decision-making. Taking accountability and shouldering the blame for strategy failures is a recurrent responsibility that accompanies leadership. Amidst financial crises within the company, navigating the delicate task of managing salary payments further underscores the intricacies of entrepreneurship. Above all, the foundation of trust emerges as a cornerstone—building and sustaining trust with stakeholders, employees, and partners proves pivotal for long-term success, making it an indispensable element in the entrepreneurial landscape.

Q-5: Can you discuss a significant failure or setback you encountered and the lessons you learned from it?

Ans. In 2019, a catastrophic event unfolded for our business as our server crashed, resulting in the loss of all our projects. This setback plunged us into a formidable challenge, marking one of the most trying periods in our entrepreneurial journey. Over the course of two years, we dedicated ourselves to the arduous task of recovery, painstakingly rebuilding our projects and re-establishing our operations. The resilience exhibited during this period was instrumental in not only overcoming the setback but also fortifying our commitment to the business. The server failure served as a crucible, testing our ability to adapt, recover, and ultimately, resume our entrepreneurial endeavors with newfound vigor.

Q-6: What strategies do you use to stay updated on industry trends and innovations?

Ans. To stay abreast of the ever-evolving market trends and technological advancements, a proactive approach involves continuous learning and networking. Engaging in regular market updates, seeking training in emerging technologies, and interacting with individuals to glean insights from their experiences form the cornerstone of staying current. An effective strategy is to frequent job advertising websites, where major organizations frequently post their technology requirements. This not only provides a real-time pulse of the market but also serves as a valuable source for identifying the latest technology trends and skillsets in demand. By adopting this approach, individuals can position themselves at the forefront of industry developments, ensuring a dynamic and informed presence in the ever-changing landscape of technology and business.

Q-7: What advice would you give to young entrepreneurs who are just starting their journey?

Ans. Ignite your passion by continually seeking inspiration. Keep the flame alive through regular reading of journals to cultivate fresh concepts and stay abreast of industry trends. Foster client relationships by making individual visits to their locations, establishing trust and confidence. If certain areas fail to yield desired results, pivot your focus and identify the underlying issues. Cultivate a support system with close friends who can offer financial assistance and sound decision-making advice. While attentiveness to others’ perspectives is crucial, rely on your own judgment—avoid unnecessary arguments and the compulsion to prove opposing ideas. This holistic approach, combining continual learning, client engagement, adaptability, and a reliable support network, forms the bedrock of a resilient and successful entrepreneurial journey.

Q-8: How do you approach risk-taking in business, and what advice do you have for managing and mitigating risks?

Ans. My business strategy revolves around playing a safe game, akin to a test match in the business realm. Before taking any step forward, a meticulous assessment is made, considering the financial backup required to address potential losses. Contingency plans are meticulously devised, outlining the necessary steps to handle unforeseen circumstances or deviations from the planned trajectory. Realism is the key; acknowledging when a particular approach isn’t yielding the expected results is a part of the entrepreneurial journey. There’s no shame in accepting failure, as it is an integral part of the path leading to success. Embracing failure as a learning opportunity allows for course corrections and sets the foundation for future triumphs.

Q-9: What role has resilience played in your career, and how do you bounce back from setbacks?

Ans. Serious commitment to your business entails identifying setbacks and finding ways to stay motivated and energetic. Incorporating physical activities is crucial; working out releases hormones that contribute to overall well-being. Engaging in extracurricular activities and taking breaks from the digital world are essential components of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. These practices not only rejuvenate the mind but also contribute to sustained focus and creativity. By recognizing the importance of a holistic approach to personal well-being, one can foster resilience and long-term success in the entrepreneurial journey.

Q-10: How do you handle tough decisions, especially when they involve difficult personnel choices?

Ans. Confronted with such dilemmas, the key is not to react hastily but to find a calm space to contemplate the situation. Take the time to compile a comprehensive list of all the points that require consideration. Next, create two columns to systematically outline the benefits and drawbacks of each option. This structured approach aids in gaining clarity and insight into the potential outcomes, facilitating a more informed decision-making process. By methodically weighing the pros and cons, one can navigate complex situations with a strategic mindset and choose the path that aligns best with their goals and values.

Q-11: What are your plans for the future?

Ans. The strategic plan involves adopting new technologies to stay ahead in the dynamic business landscape. Embracing market trends is a key component, ensuring alignment with evolving consumer preferences and industry shifts. The focus extends to implementing innovative approaches in the realm of digital marketing, leveraging cutting-edge tools and strategies for effective brand promotion. Additionally, there is a dedicated effort to enhance engagement and reach by actively participating in the marketplace seller portal, tapping into diverse avenues for business growth and customer acquisition. This comprehensive plan aims to position the business as a forward-thinking and adaptive player in the competitive market.

Q-12: Who is the driving force behind your success, and who do you wish to thank?

Ans. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to several individuals, with a special emphasis on the pivotal roles played by each:

First and foremost, my parents deserve an immense thank you for being the bedrock of support as I made the bold decision to leave my job and embark on the entrepreneurial journey.

My brother, Rinku, merits recognition for his generosity, often sharing his pocket money during challenging times when my wallet felt particularly light.

A shoutout to my cousin, Chita, who stood as an unwavering rock of support, placing unconditional trust in my endeavors.

Last but certainly not least, my spouse, Rashmita, deserves a world of thanks. She has been a pillar of support on the home front, taking charge of various household responsibilities—from housekeeping to grocery shopping—all while contributing to our financial well-being. As I grappled with paying off bank debts and steering the firm forward, Rashmita’s tireless efforts played a crucial role in our collective success. Each individual mentioned here has been instrumental in shaping our journey, and for that, I am truly grateful.

Q-13: What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs?

Ans. Developing a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is paramount for distinguishing yourself from competitors in the business landscape. Identifying your target clientele and tailoring your approach to their needs is crucial for sustainable growth. Equally important is crafting a bounce-back strategy, acknowledging that setbacks are inherent to business but necessitate a contingency plan for resilience. In moments of failure, exploring alternative options ensures the well-being of yourself and your family.

Building a support network of close friends, especially those who stand by you in financial, family, and business matters, is a strategic move. Transforming them into secret allies provides a reliable source of assistance when needed. Maintaining politeness, managing anger, and staying calm while delegating tasks contribute to effective teamwork. Notably, using soft words at the initial stages can help achieve significant results even in the absence of substantial financial resources.

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