Interview with Niranjan Nayak.

An achiever in a very young age and also inspiration for many entrepreneurs.

Founder at

Film producer at @tathya_production4040 @tathya_production_official

Q-1. Can you tell briefly your path from your early career to becoming Managing Director& Producer?

Ans. I started dreaming to become an entrepreneur from my early childhood, I was from a middle class family and I was not that bright with studies but my will power and determination towards my goal was very clear. I was very jolly in nature and quick learner from the early age. My family always supports me to achieve my goals. My father is my inspiration, while my mom also supports me on my every low and high. As my family had a political background, I entered politics in my college days as a Youth President of Indian Congress Party, Puri. There I got the chance to emphasize my dream. Then I started my first Real-estate company on 2012 at puri, and on 2014 I was became the Producer of an Odia feature film “HELLO”, but I faced a huge financial crisis and at that time when everyone thinks my dreams are going to be destroyed and I will never recover from this situation my family supports me. On 2019 I shifted my head office of “TATHYA REAL-ESTATE AND MEDIA PRIVATE LIMITED” to Bhubaneswar and also I started my second venture as a producer with the Superstar Babushaan Mohanty “BIDYARANA” on 2020, That movie was a blockbuster after pandemics then I also started my multiple plotting and duplex projects at Puri. Now in 2023 I am also a co-producer of the best awaited movie of the year “MALYAGIRI” and also pipelined two new big projects for 2024.

Q-2. What motivated you to start your own business or take on the role of CEO?

Ans. My family, specially my grandfather always motivated me to start a business of my own.

Q-3. What were some of the major challenges you faced in your journey to the top?

Ans. At the early age I started my business so I faced a lots of challenges to become a real-estate developer, I started my company as a brokerage firm then I invested in the lands and always try to visualize the dreams of my customers so that they will get what they always dreamed. In the other hand as a producer I almost struggled 6 years to start my dream and big project with the superstar, many people disguised me in those years but I never lost my hope and dream to achieve my goal.

Q-4. Can you discuss a significant failure or setback you encountered and the lessons you learned from it.

Ans. At the beginning I used to be an easy influenced and quick believer on everybody around me as result some people had stolen my business ideas , some of them cheated me and then I learned my first lesson as a businessman that never trust anyone easily around you.
As I was an easy influenced person some opportunist people used my skills and power towards their own profit, then I got my second lesson that listen everybody but do what your brain and mind says.

Q-5. What strategies do you use to stay updated on industry trends and innovations?

Ans. I always try to be grounded and feel what a normal human being feels about his dream home and lifestyle, so I can provide him the best of his/her dreams.

Q-6. What advice would you give to young entrepreneurs who are just starting their journey?

Ans. As earlier I said always listen to your own heart and family also try to get the possible out of every impossible.

Q-7. How do you approach risk-taking in business, and what advice do you have for managing and mitigating risks?

Ans. There is always a risk-taking factor in business; if you ever feared of risks then you will never being a businessman. A perfect business man always knows how to get profit by taking risks.
Risk management is the key need to be a successful businessman.

Q-8. What role has resilience played in your career, and how do you bounce back from setbacks?

Ans. At the early stage I was resilience towards money and success but my father guided me towards hard work and concentration for my goal, then I understand to focus on my goal. Once I achieve my goal I will definitely got money and success as reward.

Q-9. How do you handle tough decisions, especially when they involve difficult personnel choices?

Ans. I always think from ground zero and what I got when the decision gone wrong, then I calculated the negative and positive results and I easily got the perfect decisions.

Q-10. What are your plans for the future?

Ans. On the real-estate field I wish to start some new ventures to develop the odia culture and lifestyle with the new generation and in the production field I planned to channelize the
odia film industry to its next level where every odia can proudly say that’s my regions feature film with the appreciations on national stage.

Q-11. Who is the driving force behind your success, and who do you wish to thank?

Ans. My father is always the back bone behind my every success and the special thanks must going to my Lovely wife and family for the ever loving support.

Q-12. What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs?

Ans. Keep dreaming and always stay focused towards your goal, believe in your family and Lord Jagganath.

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