Infant Protection Day: What are some ways to safeguard the health and promote proper growth of infants?

The survival of humanity depends critically on the safeguarding of infants. Even now, despite significant breakthroughs in science and the medical field, starvation and neglect still cause infant deaths in many parts of the world. Another reason why certain countries have extremely high infant mortality rates (IMRs) is that these nations lack the resources or expertise necessary to manage health issues in infants.

Every year on November 7, Infant Protection Day is held to raise awareness of this important topic among everybody.

Actions to keep babies safe
observing the recommended eating guidelines
The newborn only needs the mother’s milk during the first six months of life. However, infants must be fed after a reasonable interval of roughly 2.5 to 3 hours because their sucking power is reduced in the first few days of life. The baby should be fed on a regular basis and at the appropriate time by mothers and other family members.

If the mother is unable to produce enough breast milk, formula feed or milk according to the caregiver’s recommendations should be administered. In any case, the baby’s body is growing quickly throughout these first few months, therefore it shouldn’t be left empty for extended periods of time.

Immunizations and routine examinations
A vaccination schedule and chart are given to the mother at the time of the baby’s birth. You have an obligation as a parent to adhere to this plan and make sure your child receives all recommended vaccinations. He avoids getting harmful infections and illnesses as a result.

Retain appropriate hygiene
It’s critical that your living environment be tidy. Make sure the infant is regularly bathed and cleaned, and that good potty habits are followed. In order to prevent allergies or skin irritations, the baby’s clothing should also be washed one last time in antiseptic water.

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